Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a way to contact SD Xotic directly? If so, how?
A: Yes, you may contact us directly at our support@sdxotic.com. You may also visit our Instagram or Etsy pages and send us a direct message from there. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

Q: How do I care for my handmade outfits?
A: Please hand wash all of your SD Xotic gear in cold or lukewarm water and air dry. You may machine wash with a mesh laundry bag on a delicate setting and tumble dry on medium to low heat. Please note that although machine washing may be permitted hand washing is still the preferred care method.

Q: How long does shipping usually take? 
Shipping times are variable based on processing time, style, and location of delivery. Please allow 1-4 days for order processing. Please select Priority Mail 1 or 2-day to expedite the shipping process. Wholesale orders typically take 1-2 weeks for order processing. 

Q: Can I choose the outfits for my wholesale order? A: Yes, you can choose any outfits from the wholesale listing. Please send us your choices on Instagram or via email at support@sdxotic.com. Outfits not included in the listing may be added upon request.

Q: Does SD Xotic take custom wholesale order requests? 
A: If the outfits you would like to order are not listed in any of the wholesale listings, please email them to us and we will provide you with custom pricing. Please keep in mind that there is a 10 outfit minimum for wholesale orders. 

Q: Why hasn’t my order shipped? 
A: Please advise that we are aware of your order and are working diligently to ship your order out as soon as possible. Due to increasing popular demand our processing times may be longer than usual for select styles. 

Q: What is your return policy?
A: SD Xotic only accepts returns for local pick-ups and deliveries within 24 hours of purchase. All online orders are FINAL SALE. Please make a claim with your delivery service provider for lost or stolen packages.